Can You Hear Us?

Recently we did another Evangelistic Crusade at our Community Center building in the ‘fishing village’, also called Kalalande, but this time it was with a team from North Carolina. The Community Center is used for Bible studies, meetings, English classes, the bead program, and, in the foreseeable future pre- and post-natal classes. But it also has a great “front porch” that serves as a stage for events like this Crusade. We rent a really loud sound system so people in the area will be drawn by the sound.
Our Haitian ministry guys take over. Maestro and some men in one of his groups sing. They are quite popular here so some come just to hear good acapella singing. Maestro then shares Scripture and a passionate, biblical message that calls for repentance and obedience to follow Christ as Lord and Savior. Often Wesner, Simeon and Va also share a song or testimony.
It’s great to see our guys step up and pour out their hearts to those who have yet to bow their knee to the King. They lay it out there – not worried about offending someone or being “too preachy”. It’s a time we cry out to God to move through this town by the power of His Spirit! It’s a time such as Jesus declared in Matthew 4:17, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near!”