New School’s a Comin’!

Our kids are ready for school!
Over the last several months New Vision Ministries has undergone some changes in the missionary staff here in Haiti. But Dr. Reeves, the NV board and those of us working here now have always agreed wholeheartedly that the Celebration Children’s Home is our #1 priority.
As we’ve worked with the children this year, prayed, and discussed their futures, we’ve come to the conclusion that we should begin our own English speaking school for the 14 who currently live in our home. Our desire is to see each one become Christ followers and to give them as many skills as possible to lead godly, productive lives. Learning English will give them a huge advantage and open up opportunities as they grow and become young adults. Our dream is that they will become leaders in their own communities and also make disciples of Christ.

Cherley working hard!
During the first year, our plan is to focus on language acquisition, Bible teaching, improving math skills, and continuing their French language study with a French teacher. We have a wonderful young lady prayerfully considering to come and teach with us next year. She grew up in a missionary family in West Africa and is fluent in French.
As foreigners in any country, it’s always hard to cross that cultural divide with the Gospel. It’s the same in Haiti. We realize the local church will be the most effective in reaching their own people and we’ll always seek ways to be an encouragement and support to them. We are coming to understand however, that one of our greatest “open doors” of opportunity lies with these children we love and work with every day. Our plan is to use an excellent Bible curriculum written for children by New Tribes Mission. It’s designed to present God’s plan of salvation as it focuses on God’s holiness and promise of a deliverer all throughout the Old Testament. Then Christ’s life and sacrifice for our sin is explained as one cohesive plan of God. We have regular devotions and Bible stories now but are so excited to begin this program in the fall.
Please pray with us for God’s provision and consider how you might like to get involved as we strive to be faithful with these little lives entrusted to us!